Functional SaaS Design

How to design and how to engineer a SaaS app is often discussed in terms of visual design (e.g. using Bootstrap and images in web pages) or choosing a tech stack (e.g Ruby on Rails vs. node, NoSQL vs. SQL).  These are not an end on itself, these are means to get your SaaS working.

A complementary view is to look at the UI flow and UX design in an early stage and try to build a SaaS app with user flow in mind.  UI flow is easy to sketch in text only, and while doing this you’ll notice what kind of data and state your app must keep.

Once you have a sketch of your UI flow, this sketch allows for focused discussion between backend engineering and visual/interaction design.

The most useful resources are:

[UPDATE Feb 12th, 2017]

Once you have a prototype of your SaaS (or just your website) running, ask your visitors and customers for feedback.  The key is to ask in such a way that it is low effort to give the feedback.  One of the best methods is to use NPS (Net Promoter Score), because it is a standard and well-known method.  FanExam is a service which can collect NPS for you, both on a public website and on a SaaS.  It is very simple to set up and use.