
If you are interested in a copy of a non-downloadable publication, please email H-RD (contact). The publications were (co-)authored by M.R. Hoffmann, and the presentations were given at various meetings.

How to write effective EU proposals: A practical guide on getting funding for Horizon 2020 M. R. Hoffmann, ISBN-13: 978-1514759967, 192 p., July 2015 (Available through

M. R. Hoffmann SlimeGebruikers – eindrapportage openbaar, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), august 2010. samenvatting pdf

M. R. Hoffmann SlimeGebruikers – eindrapportage vertrouwelijk, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), august 2010.

M. R. Hoffmann Discussion: On inducing equations for vegetation resistance. Journal of Hydraulic Research, v.47(2), 281 – 282, 2009.

M. R. Hoffmann CoolBoost – eindrapportage openbaar, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), november 2008. samenvatting pdf

M. R. Hoffmann CoolBoost – eindrapportage vertrouwelijk, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), november 2008.

G. Barua, M. R. Hoffmann Theory of Seepage into an Auger Hole in a Confined Aquifer Overlying a Gravel Substratum, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), v.133(4), 330 – 341, 2007.

M. R. Hoffmann Publieke Samenvatting NEO project Active Building Albedo Management, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), november 2006. pdf

M. R. Hoffmann NEO project Active Building Albedo Management, Rapport Hoffmann RD (in Dutch), november 2006.

G. Barua, M. R. Hoffmann Auger hole seepage theories for confined aquifers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), v.131(5), 440 – 450, 2005.

M. R. Hoffmann Application of a simple space-time averaged porous media model for flow in densely vegetated channels. Journal of Porous Media, v.7(3), 183 – 191, 2004.

M. R. Hoffmann “Macroscopic Equations for Flow in Unsaturated Porous Media“. Dissertation Wageningen University, 123 p., ISBN 90-5808-893-6, 2003. abstract pdf

C. P. Elemans, O. N. Larsen, M. R. Hoffmann, J. van Leeuwen Quantitative Modelling of the biomechanics of the avian syrinx. Animal Biology, 53(2):183 – 193, 2003.

M. R. Hoffmann Flow resistance of dense vegetation. Proceedings NCR-days 2002, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, p. 172 – 173, 2003.

M. R. Hoffmann, F. M. van der Meer A simple space-time averaged porous media model for flow in densely vegetated channels. in: Computational Methods in Water Resources (vol. 2), ISBN 0-444-50975-5, p. 1661 – 1668, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2002.

M. R. Hoffmann Application of a simple space-time averaged porous media model for flow in densely vegetated channels. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applications of Porous Media, June 2 -8, 2002, Jerba, Tunisia (an updated version of this paper appeared in J. of Porous Media). pdf

A. Dommerholt, W. Boiten, M. R. Hoffmann “Meetopstelling voor peilregistratie” (Instrument installation for water level measurement), Report 103, sub-department of Water Resources, Wageningen University (in Dutch), 31 p., 2001.

M. Hoffmann and J. P. du Plessis. Upscaling from Pore to Core: Effects of Strong Capillary Forces and Wettability Phenomena. Paper no. V. 31, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR VII), 5 – 8 September 2000, Baveno, Lago Maggiore, Italy. pdf

M. Hoffmann. Volume averaged equations for two-phase flow in porous media. in: Computational Methods in Water Resources XII (vol. 1), ISBN 90-5809-124-4, p. 225 – 230, Rotterdam: Balkema, 2000.

M. Hoffmann. Volume averaged parameters for two-phase flow. in: Unsaturated Soils for Asia, eds. H. Rahardjo, D. G. Toll, E. C. Long, ISBN 90-5809-139-2, p. 183 – 188, Rotterdam: Balkema, 2000.

M. Hoffmann. Fast Real Space Renormalization for Two-Phase Porous Media Flow. in: Computational Methods for Flow and Transport in Porous Media, ed. J-M. Crolet, ISBN 0-7923-6263-2, p. 83 – 91, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000. pdf

M. Hoffmann. Local Volume Averaged Parameters for Two-Phase Flow. in: Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils, eds. J. Feyen and K. Wiyo, ISBN 90-74134-76-9, p. 88 – 97, Wageningen: Wageningen Pers, 1999.

M. Hoffmann. Particle Tracking in saturated-unsaturated porous media. MSc. thesis Wageningen Agricultural University, dept. of Water Resources, July, 18 1994.

M. Hoffmann. Image Processing of Turbulent Diffusion Data. St. Rep. 1994-26, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium.

M. Hoffmann. Velocity Fluctuations and Vortex Shedding behind a Cylinder in Cross Flow. St. Rep. 1994-27, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium.


Microconf Europe 2015 “Small Data Science” in Barcelona, Spain, August 31 – September 1 2015. Slides and overview.

FOSDEM 2014 “EU research funding – Horizon 2020 and Free Software – How to apply for funding, legal implications and required project organization” in Brussels, Belgium, February 1-2 2014. html

EuroTcl 2009, “TWD – Tcl Web Dispatcher” in Strasbourg, France, June 5-6 2009. pdf

Invited Speaker 27th Colloquium Recent Advances in Subsurface Hydrology, “From Pore to Core: An Alternative Approach for Unsaturated Flow”, in Delft, The Netherlands, April 2003.

NCR days, “Flow resistance of dense vegetation”, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Nov. 2002.

XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, in Delft, The Netherlands, June 2002.

School on Porous and Complex Flow Structures in Modern Technologies, in Evora, Portugal, June 2002.

1st International Conference on Applications of Porous Media in Jerba, Tunisia, June 2002.

International Summer School on “Heat Transfer in Porous Media”, in Neptun, Rumania, July 2001.

Invited speaker symposium on “Upscaling and Downscaling in Soil Science: Theory and Practice”, International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), Wageningen, The Netherlands, Jan. 2001.

International Workshop on Subsurface Flow and Transport Phenomena, in Delft, The Netherlands, Oct. 2000.

Invited Speaker “7th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR VII)”, Baveno, Italy, Sep. 2000.

Gordon Research Conference on “Flow in Permeable Media”, Andover, NH, USA, Aug. 2000.

XIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Calgary, Canada, June 2000.

Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Singapore, May 2000.

International Workshop on “Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Space”, Leuven, Belgium, Nov. 1999.

International Symposium on Computer Methods for Engineering in Porous Media Flow and Transport, Giens, France, Sept. 1998.

Gordon Research Conference on “Modelling of Flow in Permeable Media”, Andover, NH, USA, Aug. 1998.

7th Jyväskylä International Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland, Aug. 1997.

5th Scientific Assembly of the IAHS in Rabat, Morocco, 23 April – 3 May 1997.

European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, May 6 – 10, 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands.